
We have investigated and considered the importance of various social issues from the perspectives of both the Hagiwara Electric Group’s business environment and its stakeholders in order to identify Materiality (issues of significance). Going forward, the entire Group will promote major themes related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) on the basis of Materiality, and we aim to improve medium- and long-term corporate value by strengthening sustainability-related efforts through dialogue with stakeholders.

The Process of Identifying Materiality

  • Step 1
    Identify social issues that the Hagiwara Electric Group needs to contend with.
  • Step 2
    Narrow these issues down to the significant issues.
  • Step 3
    Decide on Materiality.

Step 1: Identify social issues that the Hagiwara Electric Group needs to contend with

Based on the issues and objectives that the Hagiwara Electric Group is currently contending with, we exchanged opinions while referring to various guidelines to identify and organize social issue topics as well as management issue topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), etc. that should be pursued in the future.

Step 2: Narrow these issues down to the most significant issues

Materiality and the most significant topics were selected from among the items identified in step 1 after discussions by senior management and the Board of Directors, based on the following perspectives and taking into account the degree of impact on company management and the degree of significance for society and stakeholders.

  • Society expectations, customer expectations, and the Hagiwara Electric Group’s aspirations for the future
  • The solving of customer problems, the creation of value, and objectives for contributing to future-oriented social development through our business, within the scope of the Hagiwara Electric Group’s business models and business domains
  • Our medium-term management plan (Make New Value 2023) and our medium- and long-term growth strategy
  • Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) measures that need to be strengthened for the Hagiwara Electric Group to improve corporate value

Step 3: Decide on Materiality

Approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Hagiwara Electric Holdings Co., Ltd. at the end of August 2021.

Four Materiality and Main Topics

Improving customer value by accommodating technological innovation

Main topics
  • Contributing to the achievement of an automobile-based society that is secure, safe, and comfortable
  • Contributing to the achievement of customer productivity and safety improvements through advanced information technology
  • Using our business platform and partnerships to take on the challenge of new domains and businesses
Goals for 2030 Through the provision of advanced electronics and advanced information technologies, we contribute, as an irreplaceable partner, to our customers’ goals of realizing a safe, secure, and comfortable mobility society, as well as industrial development and the realization of a prosperous society through advanced digitalization.

Strengthening governance and organizational platforms

Main topics
  • Strengthening capital policy and financial strategy
  • More comprehensive IR activities (i.e., facilitating stakeholder engagement)
  • Strengthening corporate governance
  • Promoting environmental management
Goals for 2030 Support business growth, meet diverse stakeholder expectations, and build a trustworthy, sustainable organizational platform.

Developing and promoting an environment in which human resources can succeed

Main topics
  • Encouraging greater employee engagement
Goals for 2030 To create a work environment where employees can work more comfortably and feel more fulfilled, and to develop human resources and a corporate culture that empathizes with the world’s changing nature and diverse values. Where employees can be ambitious and creative, and where employees can contribute to society.

Encouraging social contribution activities

Main topics
  • Expanding social contribution measures and revitalizing activities
Goals for 2030 Growing into a corporate entity that is trusted by the community and by society as a more upstanding corporate citizen

Materiality will be reviewed as necessary in light of changes in the business environment and social trends, including the period when the Hagiwara Electric Group’s medium-term management plan is formulated.